Family By Blood: Always Remember Who You Are
Mom, thank you for instilling valuable life skills in me through your role as a mother; I can now pass them on to my children and share them with the rest of the world. I love you more than you know and will forever be grateful. Sophia and Jude, my darling twins, I pray you […]
The Potter: Humbled To Be Called a Potter’s Child
The Potter: The Bible starts by saying that God made the first people from “dust of the ground.” Isn’t it interesting that the Hebrew word for man is adam which is very similar to adamah which means ground in Hebrew? This link between the words shows how amazing it is that God is a “potter.” […]
Family By Heart Whom I Love Dearly
I love my family by blood and my nuclear family to bits, and I am really lucky to have blood-related family and family via marriage in my life. While I value my biological and marital relatives highly, I also have many friends who I consider to be members of my family by heart and whom […]
Big News and Bigger Thanks to You
Those who helped me finish Potter’s Child are remarkable people who made it possible to transform my ideas, thoughts, and research into helpful learning resources. Thank you so much to the amazing people who gave their time so that Potter’s Child might have an even more significant impact on its readers. I was able to […]
My Cup Overflows, It Spills to My Eyes
The process of writing a book is both more challenging and more fulfilling than I had anticipated. I believe that the potential of POTTER’S CHILD reaching each home is all worth the sleepless nights. I still have plenty of names on my list that I have to thank, and I would like to take this […]