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The Potter: Humbled To Be Called a Potter’s Child

The Potter: Humbled To Be Called a Potter’s Child

The Potter: The Bible starts by saying that God made the first people from “dust of the ground.” Isn’t it interesting that the Hebrew word for man is adam which is very similar  to adamah which means ground in Hebrew? This link between the words shows how amazing it is that God is a “potter.” He really made us out of the earth’s clay. It’s hard to imagine how the earth could have made a person with blood, bones, skin, nerves, and all the other amazing parts of our bodies. Our very existence is a miracle that goes far beyond what we can understand.

Psalm139:14 tells us that we are  “fearfully and wonderfully made.” You’ve probably wondered if this was true at some point in your life.  However, Jeremiah 18:6 says, “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel.”

Each of us has a unique purpose that was designed by God. We’re prepared for the Lord’s wonderful, loving, and compassionate works. In times of despair, remind yourself that you are being molded by the Potter to become something helpful to the Master. All that God makes is perfect. God does not create junk!

In a way, the “potter” image works because the Lord made us out of clay, but in other ways, it doesn’t do justice to God’s creativity and artistry. This is true of most metaphors that try to explain what God does and how powerful He is. After all, what potter can make something out of clay that is alive and moves?

In all humility, I acknowledge that the Lord has shaped me into who He intends me to be. Without God’s hand on the wheel, none of my efforts would produce a worthy product shaped and molded for His Glory. I praise and thank God for his soft promptings, wisdom, guidance, the right people, love and endless opportunities to complete this book – a project that He planted in my heart. He gave me the credentials as a mother to write and publish this book – in His time. I am humbled to be called a Potter’s Child. Thank you Jesus! 

Click HERE to read who else are instrumental in the making of my book, Potter’s Child.
